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Sonntag, 16. Oktober 2016

Nobel Prize for Literature 2016: Bob Dylan

As you have certainly heard and read over the past few days, the Nobel Prize for Literature was awarded to Bob Dylan this year. The Guardian writes about the committee's reasons and provides some information on the artist's vita.

Bob Dylan wins Nobel prize in literature

One of his most famous songs is "The Times They Are A Changin'" - you can listen to it here:

And here are the lyrics:

Bob Dylan, "The Times They Are A-Changing"

More articles on Dylan and his prize:

• The New Yorker: "Our Favorite Dylan Lyrics"

• CBCnews: "A look at Bob Dylan's most iconic lyrics"

• The Guardian: "Are these the lyrics that won Bob Dylan a Nobel prize?"

• The Independent: "Bob Dylan: The most powerful and poignant lyrics from the Nobel Prize for Literature winner"

Task: Write a text of ca. 200 words about your impression of Bob Dylan's work. Include whether you had been familiar with his name or (one or two of) his songs before the prize.

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