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Montag, 29. Dezember 2014

"Would" vs. "used to"

I used to show my English classes where the song "White Christmas" comes from. I would take them to a video room and introduce them to Bing Crosby's movie "Holiday Inn" (1942) - which is where that most famous of English-language Christmas songs was first published.

Did you notice that I used "used to" and "would" for the description of past habits?

If you did not, have a look at this:

And if you're interested in the Bing Crosby movie, this will give you an impression: Holiday Inn trailer

Dienstag, 9. Dezember 2014

The Sound of Great Britain

Have a look at this short video clip (1 min.), published by the British Tourist Authority. While you are watching, try to remember the various topics that are shown - and what is presented to us as the SOUND of Great Britain. Try and remember till next lesson (Wednesday).

Also: What other sounds would you have expected? Make a list!
Can you name a couple of famous sights, people, stereotypes?
It is not forbidden to watch the clip more than once ;-)
By the way, you may use the comment function of this blog.

Montag, 1. Dezember 2014

Vokabeltest - ein Beispiel

Here you can see what your vocabulary test
might look like.
Download the PDF file by right-clicking on the following line and selecting "Save as..."

Vocabulary Test - Sample (PDF)

This is only one page - the real test will be two pages long.