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Montag, 29. Dezember 2014

"Would" vs. "used to"

I used to show my English classes where the song "White Christmas" comes from. I would take them to a video room and introduce them to Bing Crosby's movie "Holiday Inn" (1942) - which is where that most famous of English-language Christmas songs was first published.

Did you notice that I used "used to" and "would" for the description of past habits?

If you did not, have a look at this:

And if you're interested in the Bing Crosby movie, this will give you an impression: Holiday Inn trailer

Dienstag, 9. Dezember 2014

The Sound of Great Britain

Have a look at this short video clip (1 min.), published by the British Tourist Authority. While you are watching, try to remember the various topics that are shown - and what is presented to us as the SOUND of Great Britain. Try and remember till next lesson (Wednesday).

Also: What other sounds would you have expected? Make a list!
Can you name a couple of famous sights, people, stereotypes?
It is not forbidden to watch the clip more than once ;-)
By the way, you may use the comment function of this blog.

Montag, 1. Dezember 2014

Vokabeltest - ein Beispiel

Here you can see what your vocabulary test
might look like.
Download the PDF file by right-clicking on the following line and selecting "Save as..."

Vocabulary Test - Sample (PDF)

This is only one page - the real test will be two pages long.

Freitag, 21. November 2014

Mediation exercise - Schulaufgabe Nov. 2014

Dear pupils,

Go to this blogpost:

and click on the link "Lösungshinweise" below the picture of the Berlin Wall if you want to get help with this exercise.

Don't forget to bring along your dictionary on Monday!

Sonntag, 9. November 2014

When the Berlin Wall fell

A film report of just over two minutes about 9 Nov 1989: "Fall of Berlin Wall"

And there are some more video clips in this playlist - have a look:

Sonntag, 2. November 2014

Mediation exercise

If you want to practise mediation, have a look at this task, published by ISB, Munich:

Mediation task "Berliner Mauer" (PDF format)

You can send me your mediation text via e-mail or bring it along to class.

This image was taken in 1986 by Thierry Noir at Bethaniendamm in Berlin-Kreuzberg.
CC BY-SA 3.0

And for those of you who did the exercise at home, here are some guidelines as to what ought to be included in your mediation text and what ought to be omitted.

Dienstag, 28. Oktober 2014

Jahrgang 2014-2016: Welcome!

Welcome to your course blog!

I really hope that you will find this blog useful - and if there is a particular posting that you like, you could say so in a comment. If you have a question, please ask - either in a comment or "live" in the classroom.

Let's improve together!

Dienstag, 28. Januar 2014

Interview with Edward Snowden (English) - Jan. 2014

At the moment, there is the original version of the German NDR (ARD) interview with whistleblower Edward Snowden available online.

You might want to watch this in connection with our chapter on "The Media" - or in your capacity of being an individual interested in what is going on in the world.