Have a look at this statement about learning on Twitter, then think about it. Then continue reading below the embedded tweet, please.
Do you agree that you learn most when struggling with complex tasks? Do you also think that easy tasks don't really give you a feeling of satisfaction if you've mastered them?
Please use the comment function to voice your opinion. You don't have to give your full name; first names will be enough.
Children don't learn by mastering easy tasks... #edchat pic.twitter.com/Pwy2DQYSf8 #edtech #EYTalking #EDchatDE #edchatnz #aussieED— Teacher (@Primary_Ed) June 23, 2015

Do you agree that you learn most when struggling with complex tasks? Do you also think that easy tasks don't really give you a feeling of satisfaction if you've mastered them?
Please use the comment function to voice your opinion. You don't have to give your full name; first names will be enough.